Professional Frisbee Team
Flying Aces

About Us

A little background information about The Flying Aces

Frisbee Show: School Assembly The Flying Aces started out at Eastern Michigan University in 1973 when Brian Hayes took his love for frisbee tossing indoors when winter came to Michigan. Brian and friends became early morning fixtures at Bowen Field House. After six months of practicing, the basketball coach asked them to do a half-time show. Their first performance was in December, 1974. A scout for the Detroit Pistons happened to be at that game, which led to doing half-time shows for Pistons games. 

In the early days, Flying Aces did free basketball half-time shows for the Michigan State Spartans and the University of Detroit Titans as well as the Detroit Pistons and University of Michigan teams. After several years of doing these free shows we started charging for our services and our business venture was born.

Now, more than 30 years later, the Flying Aces continues to perform for audiences around the world. We have put on shows in all 50 states as well as other countries including Canada, Puerto Rico and Saudi Arabia. We have appeared on numerous local and national TV Spots as well as newspaper articles across the country.

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